Order Vitazyme - Continental US Sales Only

1 gallon

1 quart

2.5 gallons
Packaging size suggestions
We have available quarts and gallons for the home gardeners. Commercial farm containers include 2.5 gallon containers, 55 gallon drums, and 275 or 330 gallon totes. Estimate your usage by using the simple ratio of one gallon per ten acres per application, based on a 13 oz. per application and 128 oz. per gallon.
Financially Efficient
Used with your normal, sound agricultural management practices Vitazyme will increase your yields sufficiently so that you realize a substantially increased profit. However, more importantly, you will find that you can reduce your nitrogen input, usually between 25% and 50%, and obtain the same or higher crop yields. Nitrogen, being tied to energy, is rising in cost and is likely to remain high in the future. Saving money on your fertilizer purchases will increase your profits when using Vitazyme.
All prices include FREE shipping to your location
The cost of the product depends upon two factors; the quantity purchased and shipping to your location. Vitazyme is a concentrate, which means that shipping costs are manageable. So for small orders our price has shipping in the continental United States built in. No extra cost.
We offer quantity discounts for commercial farms
The quantity purchased depends upon your needs. As quantities rise the price drops at specific break points. These breaks are at the 55 gallon, 155 gallon, 245 gallon, 485 gallon and 965 gallon mark. Please call to discuss specific quantity pricing.
How to Order
Pick up the phone and call John or Mike at 1-800-728-2716. Because of pricing level differences around the world due to differences in freight and market entry costs, we prefer not to post pricing online. You can also email sales@plantdesigns.com for more information. Please include where you are located and what you are growing in your email. We will be happy to help you out.
International customers, please email us. In most cases, we can get you in touch with a dealer in your region that is already importing Vitazyme.