Growing rice
Vitazyme treated corn on the right
Close up of roots
Cleaned corn roots
Cleaning corn roots for comparison
Oranges near Griffith
Rice paddy’s in Australia
Beautiful fresh nonpareil almonds
Almonds drying on the ground
These eggplant are grown with Vitazyme
Eggplant packing line
Mario, a very happy Vitazyme user
Underneath the row cover
Eggplant processing on farm
Table grape rows with row covers attached
Table grape rows
Table grapes near harvest
Citrus plantings
Steven David from OFS, our Australian partner
Examining the shallow roots of the avocado tree
Avocado’s on tree
New avocado planting
New avocado planting
Another view of the Y trellis
Full grown Y trellis system
Irrigation on the pear trees
Beautiful pear’s
Harvesting pear’s
Harvesting pear’s
Interesting Y trellis system
Steve David, Dr. Paul Syltie, Barry and Tim inspecting the harvest
Barry’s plums
Tim Ring at Barry Suleman’s farm
Dr. Paul Syltie and Tim Ring from Caldwells
Stone Fruit rows near Shepparton
Sometimes we even find time to relax!
Photo Gallery
Here we provide the proof of using Vitazyme in your operation. Many of the images have vitazyme versus the control. It’s crystal clear how beneficial applications of Vitazyme are on your crops.
We travel around the world looking at results of Vitazyme use. If applications are made correctly, we always can find a positive response to the product in plant growth.