Field Study
Vitazyme on Potatoes – 2005-Havana Province, Cuba
This Cuban potato trial, using 3 liters/ha of Vitazyme, proved that this product produced a consistent 14% yield increase, and also improved potato quality.
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Researcher: unknown
Variety: Ajiba
Soil type: red ferralitic
Experimental design: Two potato fields received Vitazyme on one portion (8.05 ha), with a small fertilizer reduction on the treated portion, to evaluate the productive effects on potato tuber yield and quality.
1. Control (100% fertilizer) 2. Vitazyme (90% fertilizer)
Fertilizer treatment: Field 1, Control: 1,490 kg/ha of a 9-13-17% N-P2O5-K2O fertilizer; Vitazyme: 1,341 kg/ha of the same fertilizer. Field 2, Control: 1,341 kg/ha; Vitazyme: 1,207 kg/ha.
Vitazyme treatments: 3 liters/ha, although application times were not specified.