Field Studies
Vitazyme has undergone over 700 trials on various crops—tropical and subtropical climates on tomatoes, onions, string beans, bush beans, cucumbers, peanuts, cabbage, cow peas, peppers, sweet potatoes, various fruits, sugar cane, oil palm, cassava, forage crops for livestock, and even fish farms, all with excellent results. Temperate climate trials have been done on cotton, peas, snap beans, soybeans, corn, wheat, barley, canola, sugar beets, cabbage, squash, pumpkins, onions and potatoes with equally good results.

2005-Gladewater, Texas
Vitazyme plus Rhizobium produced the highest increase, 34%
2009, Ontario, Canada
Increased quality and nutritional parameters in silage.

2010, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Vitazyme increased yield by 2%
2010, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Increase in yield of 9% with Vitazyme
2010, Vietnam
Increased yield.
2010, Vietnam
Increased yield gain of 9%.
2003, Nigeria
Seeds treated with Vitayzme perform better than control.

2005-Wayne County, New York
Increase in mean fruit size: +5.5%
2005-Albion, New York
Vitazyme improved fruit quality significantly
2013-Brewster, Washington
Increase in fruit size with Vitazyme: 1.6%
2013-Orondo, Washington
increase in yied with Vitazyme was up 7%
2014-Waterville, Washington
Total apple yield was increased by 22% with Vitazyme
2014-Waterville, Washington
Fruit size, weight, and pressure were all increased w/Vitazyme
2014-George, Washington
increase in height of 5% and truck circumference of 10% in trees
2014-Quincy, Washington
Increase in tree height and size by more than 8%
2006, Albion, New York
Vitazyme increased income by $980.00/acre
2006, Wayne County, New York
Increase in cumulative new growth with Vitazyme of 16%
2007, Sodus, New York
Vitazyme increased yield by $1,344/acre
2007, Wayne County, New York
Increase in tree height with Vitazyme: 14%
2007, Albion, New York
Vitazyme improved fruit pressure, and therefore crispness
2007, Wayne County, New York
Vitazyme shows trend toward larger fruit size in trial
2007, Wayne County, New York
Fruit weight increase of 4% with Vitazyme
2008, Cambridge, New Zealand
Increase in trunk diameter in one season with Vitazyme: 10%
2010, Bendersville, Pennsylvania
Vitazyme increased chlorophyl levels by 3.6 SPAD units
2010, Wayne County, New York
Use of Vitazyme increased yield 9%
2010, Wayne County, New York
Vitazyme increased yield 39-44%
2011, Chile
Vitazyme produced improvements in apple color
2011, Chile
Vitazyme produced considerable improvement in maturity of apples
2011, Chile
Vitazme increased yields by 24%
2011, Agrisouth States, Chile
Vitazyme increased yield by 13%, and improved color of apples
2011, Wapti Fundo Marengo, Chile
Improved color at 2 liters/ha but markedly at 3 liters/ha
2012, New York, USA
Vitazyme increased the average size of apples
2009, Michigan, USA
Returned $82 per $1 invested in Vitazyme!
2010, Pennsylvania, USA
Investigates effects of Vitazyme on new orchard growth.
2010, New York, USA
Study of Vitazyme symbiosis with TrophoMax.
2010, New York, USA
Significant improvement in return bloom.
2003, North America
Trial on 7 year old production trees.
2013-Dak Nong Province, Viet Nam
increase in fruit yield wit Vitazyme was up 80%
2014-San Juan Acateno, Teziutlan, Puebla, Mexico
significant improvements with the use of Vitazyme

2012, Babahoya, Ecuador
Vitazyme reduced infection & increased growth
2012, Guatemala
Plants treated with Vitazyme showed better growth.
2003, Ecuador
Both Vitazyme variations show increases over control.

2013-Wateville, Washington
Vitazyme improved all plant and grain parameters
Vitayme increased barley yield by 35%
2007, Mosca, Colorado
Vitazyme improved yield by 4%
2008, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Increase in yield with Vitazyme was between 11 & 24%
2009, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme increased yield 2 to 4%
2009, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme increases yield by 9 to 12%
2009, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme increases yield 10-13%
2010, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
16-20% increase for seed treatment; 25-29% for foliar
2011, Ukraine
Increase in yield of 10bu/acre with Vitazyme
2011, Goshen, Victoria, Australia
Early growth, & final yield improved with Vitazyme
2012, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme increased grain yield an excellent 10%
2012, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme increased yield by 14 to 18% & reduced leaf blight
2009, Vinnitsya, Ukraine
Replicated trials with single and double applications on barley.

2006, Stephenville, Texas
Vitazyme has been demonstrated to increase plant biomass
2008, Stephenville, Texas
Vitazyme treatments had greater root biomass than non-treated
2012, Oklahoma, USA
Vitazyme holds promise as a potential enhancer of bermudagrass
2003, Greenville, Texas
48% increase in fresh weight
Black Beans
2014-Damien, Haiti
increase in bean yield with Vitazyme: 150%
2006, Havana Province, Cuba
increase in bean yield by 41 to 159%
2006, Havana Province, Cuba
Vitazyme increased bean yield by 104%

2006, Gladewater, Texas
Vitazyme increased plant height & leaf area
2003, North America
Increase in plant growth factors.
Bush Beans
2013-San Juan Acateno, Teziutlan, Puebla, Mexico
Vitazyme increased bean yield by 17 to 41%0
2007, Kendall, New York
Increase in income from Vitazyme was $202/acre
2008, Gladewater, Texas
Vitazyme increased dry weight yield 8-17%
2009, Gladewater, Texas
Vitazyme increased dry weight yield by 26%
2009, Gladewater, Texas
Vitazyme contributes to a increase in yield of 147%
2009, Gladewater, Texas
Vitazyme increased dry weight by 11 to 13%
2005-Monroe County, New York
Yield increase with Vitazyme: + 6 bu/acre
2005-Batavia, New Y ork
Vitazyme increased yield by 8.5 tons/acre (37.4%)
2014-Belladere, Haiti
Increase in cabbage yield with Vitazyme: 40%
2006, Ontario County, New York
increase in income with Vitazyme of $90/acre
2006, Monroe County, New York
Vitazyme increased income by $451.00/acre
2007, Havana Province, Cuba
Increase in cabbage yield with Vitazyme: 220%
2007, Kendall, New York
Yield increase with Vitazyme increased 2%
2008, Thanh Xuan, Viet Nam
Vitazyme increased cabbage yield by 9%
2008, Hoai Duc, Ha Yay, Viet Nam
Increase in cabbage yield with Vitazyme was 8%
2008, Minh Khai, & Tu Liem, Viet Nam
Increase in cabbage yield with Vitazyme: 10%
2009, Xinzhou, Jinshi, Hunan, China
Increase in income with Vitazyme of 11%

2012, Guatemala
yield increase of 6%, & cavity closure improved 577%
2012, Guatemala
Fruit cavity closure with Vitazyme up 200%, & fruit # up by 3%

2006, Ukraine
Vitazyme increased carrot yield by 9%
2007, Havana Province, Cuba
Increase in carrot yield with Vitazyme: 4%
2011, Perth, Australia
Vitazyme increased root weight 33% by midseason
2011, Perth, Australia
Vitazyme increased root weight 17% at harvest

2013-Brewster, Washington
Increase in fruit weight with Vitazyme was 3 to 4%
2013-Brewster, Washington
Increase in yield with Vitazyme was 24%
2013-Brewster, Washington
Increase in yield with Vitazyme was 27%
2014-Pasco, Washington
Increase in cherry yield with Vitazyme: 19%
2006, Appleton, New York
increase in cherry yield was up 8%
2011, San Francisco de Mastazal, Chile
4.8 more cherries/branch were harvested with Vitazyme
2011, Tinguiririca, Chile
Vitazyme improved coloration and maturity considerably
2011, Hacienda Achondo, Chimbarongo, Chile
Vitazyme advanced fruit coloration and early marketability

Chinese Mustard
2010-Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Vitazyme increased yield by 7,000 kg/ha
2010-Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Yield increase with Vitazyme: 19%
2010, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Vitazyme increased yield and reduced time to harvest
2010, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Yield increase with Vitazyme was 19%

2011, Cuba
Vitazyme improved all measurable perimeters.
2012, Viet Nam
improving early seed germination +20%, & plant height +31%
2012, Dak Nong Province, Viet Nam
Fruit per plant up 11-15%
2012, Ghana
Yield parameters displayed highly positive response to Vitazyme

2013-Dak Nong Province, Viet Nam
Leaf number was improved by 33 to 75% with Vitazyme
2013-Tam Thang, Cu Jut, Dak Nong Province, Viet Nam
Increase in bean yield with Vitazyme: 29%
2013-Tam Thang, Viet Nam
Increase in bean yield with Vitazyme: 28%
2011, Tam Thang, Dak Nong Province, Viet Nam
$872/ha improvement with the use of Vitazyme
2011, Village Nui, Tam Thang, Dak Nong Province, Viet Nam
Income and yield increased with Vitazyme
2011, Krong Pak District, Dal Lak Province, Viet Nam
8% increase in yield with Vitazyme
2011, Dak Nong Province, Viet Nam
Yield increase of 11% from Vitazyme
2011, Cuba
Vitazyme treatments nearly always produced the greatest profit.

2008, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme improved yields 9 to 18%
2009, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme increased yield by 15 to 26%
2010, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme increases yield 10-11% per application

2005-Pantego, North Carolina
Vitazyme improved grain yield
2005-Hertford, North Carolina
Significant treatment effects involving Vitazyme were found
2005-Pritchett, Texas
Height change with New Vitazyme: + 35%
2005-Gasport, New York
Increase in income with cold weather Vitazyme: $36.21/acr
2005-Cedar Falls, Iowa
Vitazyme increased yield by 5%
2013-Cedar Falls, Iowa
Yield increase with Vitazyme was 14 to 23%
2013-Aurora, South Dakota
Increase in corn yield with Vitazyme: 2 to 4%
2013-Villa Corona, Jalisco, Mexico
Increase in yield with Vitazyme: 22%
2013-Cedar Falls, Iowa
Increase in corn yield with Vitazyme: 3.2%
2013-San Martin Hidalgo, Jalisco, Mexico
Increase in yield with Vitazyme: 12%
2013-San Juan Acozac, Puebla, Mexico
Increase in forage yield with Vitazyme: 148%
Yield increase with Vitazyme was 15%
2013-La Mesita Farm, Cocula, Jalisco, Mexico
Increase in grain yield with Vitazyme: 20%
2013-Dak Nong Province, Viet Nam
Increase in yield with Vitazyme was 13%
2013-Lake Park, Iowa
Reduction in grain moisture with Vitazyme: 1.0%
2013-Camino a la Coronilla Farm, Ameca, Jalisco
Increase in grain yield with Vitazyme: 17%
2013-San Nicolas, Cocula, Jalisco, Mexico
Increase in yield with Vitazyme was 8%
2013-Aurora, South Dakota
Vitazyme alone increased grain yield by 8.7%
2006, Morris, Minnesota
Vitazyme increased grain yield by 2 to 17%
2006, Havana Province, Cuba
Vitazyme increased corn yield by 93%
2006, Gladewater, Texas
increase in height was shown of 12 to 42%
2006, Havana Province, Cuba
Vitazyme increased corn yield by 415%
2006, Ames, Iowa
Yield increase with Vitazyme was 5%
2006, Cedar Falls, Iowa
Vitazyme increased yield by $77.00/acre
2006, Ontario County, New York
Grain increase with Vitazyme was 12%
2007, Jefferson, Ohio
Vitazyme produced yields twice what were expected in the area
2007, Gladewater, Texas
Increase in dry weight with Vitazyme was 18%
2007, Gladewater, Texas
Increase in weight with Vitazyme ranged from 4 to 22%
2007, Branchton, Ontario, Canada
Increase in grain yield of 16% with Vitazyme
2007, Blue Grass, Iowa
Increase in income of $20.00/acre with Vitazyme
2008, Marlborough, New Zealand
Increase in weight of usable ears up 10% with Vitazyme
2008, Gladewater, Texas
All Vitazyme treatments gave an increase of 10 to 14%
2008, Hebron, Indiana
Vitazyme increased yield by 17%
2008, Cedar Falls, Iowa
Increase in yield with Vitazyme was 10%
2008, GLadewater, Texas
Vitazyme increased dry weight yield by 11%
2008, Couts, Indiana
Vitazyme boosted yield by 18%
2008, Couts, Indiana
5 bu/acre increase in yield with Vitazyme
2009, Sikeston, Missouri
Increase in corn yield with Vitazyme was 3%
2009, Oran, Missouri
Increase in corn yield with Vitazyme was 3.3%
2009, Perkins, Missouri
Increase in yield with Vitazyme was 2.5%
2009, Arbor, Missouri
Increase in yield with Vitazyme was 9%
2009, Gladewater, Texas
Trial shows a 5% increase in dry weight with use of Vitazyme
2009, Gladewater, Texas
Vitazyme increased weight yield by 12 to 18%
2009, Gladewater, Texas
Vitazyme increased plant height and weight yield
2009, Kenya
Vitazyme increased silage dry matter by 32%
2009, Cedar Falls, Iowa
Vitazyme's active agents bring more phosphorus to plants
2009, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Increase in corn yield with Vitazyme was 8%
2010, Krasnodar Region, Russia
Ear size and yield increases shown with use of Vitazyme
2010, Gladewater, Texas
Vitazyme increases height by 7-8% & dry weight 16-18%
2010, Cedar Falls, Iowa
Vitazymein in the third year increased yield 3.9 bu/acre
2010, Cedar Falls, Iowa
Vitazyme A and New Era Root Stimulator increased grain yield by
2010, Cedar Falls, Iowa
Vitazyme shows a nitrogen utilization improvement in trial
2010, Gladewater, Texas
Vitazyme shown to increase plant height and dry weight
2010, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme increased yield 12% or 1,489hrn/ha
2010, Columbia, Missouri
Grain yield was increased by 7-16% with Vitazyme
2010, Gladewater, Texas
Vitazyme alone or w/formic acid equally stimulated plant growth
2010, GLadewater, Texas
Vitazyme and Aquatron treated water shown to increase growth
2011, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme increases yield and profitability consistently
2011, Dak Nong Province, Viet Nam
Profits boosted $200.00/ha with use of Vitazyme
2011, Gladewater, Texas
Vitazyme gave significant response for plant height
2011, Gladewater, Texas
Vitazyme increases dry matter production significantly
2011, Gladewater, Texas
Plant height and weight increased with use of Vitazyme
2011, Cedar Falls, Iowa
Vitazyme increased yield from 1-4%
2011, Silver Creek, Nebraska
Reduction in dagger nematodes with Vitazyme 149%
2011, Aurora, Nebraska
Vitazyme produced the highest yield and test weight
2011, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Average three-year increase with Vitazyme of 12%
2011, Dak Nong Province, Viet Nam
8% yield and $97.25/ha increase using Vitazyme
2011, Dak Nong Province, Viet Nam
increase in yield of 6% with Vitazyme
2011, Dak Nong province, Viet Nam
Vitazyme increased profit by $222.50/ha
2011, Ukraine
increase in yield with Vitazyme of 1.72 tons/ha
2012, Gladewater, Texas
14% increase in dry weight after 21 days of growth with Vitazyme
2012, Gladewater, Texas
Vitazyme increased both plant weight and height
2012, Gladewater, Texas
Results verify the utility of Vitazyme to improve plant growth
2012, Cedar Falls, Iowa
Yield increases from Vitazyme range from $182.55 to $109.95/acre
2012, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
10% yield increase with 1 liter/ha application
2012, Frost, Texas
Increased yield with Vitazyme by 19.3bu/acre ($160/acre)
2012, Columbia, Missouri, USA
Vitazyme increased yield 17% despite severe hailstorm
2012, Columbia, Missouri, USA
Vitazyme reduced the level of most free amino acids in leaves
2012, Dawson, Minnesota, USA
great increase in yield with Vitazyme
2012, Mboga Tuu, Isinya, Kenya
Vitazyme gives a 91% yield increase
2003, North America
Effects of surfactant use explored.
2003, North America
Both soil and foliar applications are highly effective.
2003, North America
Increased income $33.38 per acre!
2003, North America
Vitazyme (Cascade) shown to stimulate growth for silage corn.
2003, North America
Evidence of nitrogen efficiency using Vitazyme.
2003, Nigeria
Demonstrates a nitrogen reduction capability using Vitazyme.
2003, North America
Vitazyme used alone produced the only real increase in weight.
2003, North America - ACRES
Increase in yield at all levels of nitrogen.
2003, North America
Increases shown at all four variations of the trial.
2003, North America
Exceeds yield of nearby fields.

Field Corn
2003, North America
Effects of surfactant use explored.
2003, North America
Both soil and foliar applications are highly effective.
2003, North America
Vitazyme (Cascade) shown to stimulate growth for silage corn.
2003, North America
Evidence of nitrogen efficiency using Vitazyme.
2003, Nigeria
Demonstrates a nitrogen reduction capability using Vitazyme.
2003, North America - ACRES
Increase in yield at all levels of nitrogen.
2003, North America
Increases shown at all four variations of the trial.
2003, North America
Exceeds yield of nearby fields.

Sweet Corn
2008, Marlborough, New Zealand
Increase in weight of usable ears up 10% with Vitazyme
2003, North America
Increased income $33.38 per acre!
2003, North America
Vitazyme used alone produced the only real increase in weight.

2005-Kennett, Missouri
Vitazyme produced an extra 202 lb/acre of lint (+15%)
2005-Ballinger, Texas
Vitazyme increased yield by 4 to 6%
2006, Collage Station, Texas
Increase in lint yield with z/Micro: 3%
2006, Collage Station, Texas
Vitazyme increased lint yield by 3%
2007, A&M University, Collage Station, Texas
Vitazyme increased all parameters of this trial by 7-20%
2007, Lamesa, Texas
Increase in lint yield by 3% & seed yield by 7% with Vitazyme
2007, College Station, Texas
Increase in lint yield with Vitazyme: 6%
2007, Lamesa, Texas
Increase in lint yield with Vitazyme: 5%
2009, Xinzhou, Jinshi, Hunan, China
increase in cotton income with Vitazyme was 15%
2010, Hondo, Texas
Vitazyme increases boll number per plant +34%
2011, San Angelo, Texas
Vitazyme & BR-61 increased bolls by 4% or 43 lbs/acre
2003, North America
Vitazyme compared to other typical cotton amendments.
2006, Havana, Cuba
Vitazyme increased yield by 105%
2007, Gladewater, Texas
Vitazyme significantly exceeded the control by 15%
2013-San Juan Acateno, Teziutlan, Puebla, Mexico
Increase in fruit yield with Vitazyme: 15 to 38%
2013-Yecapixtla, Mexico
Increase in yield wit Vitazyme: 25%
2006, Ukraine
increase in cucumber yield with Vitazyme: 21%
2006, Havana Province, Cuba
Increase in cucumber yield with Vitazyme up 613%
Dry Beans
2005-San Jose de las Lajas, Havana, Cuba
VItazyme improved all measured parameters
2006, Cuba
Increase in profit with vitazyme: 2,208.3 to 5,784.7 pesos/ha
2007, Crucero Aurora Coop, Havana Province, Cuba
Increase in bean yield with Vitazyme was 31%
2007, Pedro Gonzalez Farm, Havana, Cuba
Vitazyme increased bean yield by 61%

Field Beans
2003, North America
Comparison of several fertilizers and biostimulants.
2003, North America
Income increase $81 per acre.
2003, North America
Increased yield and bean size.

2005-San Miguel, California
Vitazyme increased grape yield by 11%
2005-San Miguel, California
wine produced from the Vitazyme treated wine was superior
2005-Tulare, California
Vitazyme increased grape yield by 22%
2005-San Miguel, California
Increase in grape yield with Vitazyme: 22%
2006, San Miguel, California
Vitazyme increased grape yield by 30%
2007, San Miguel, California
Vitazyme increased grape yield by 27%
2007, LDS Fresno Raisin Vineyard, Madera, California
Harvest totals we lower than previous years due to unusual heat
2008, Ukraine
Vitazyme increased root and shoot development
2008, Tulare, California
Increase in yield with Vitazyme was 7%
2008, Reedley, California
Vitazyme improves rhizospheric active fungal biomass
2008, Ukraine
Vitazyme increased yields by 15 to 28%
2008, Sunny Mecca, California
Vitazyme shown to improve color & size of grapes
2008, St Joseph, Michigan
Sugar increase with Vitazyme was 1.8%
2008, San Miguel, California
Vitazyme's average increase in yield was 29% more grapes
2008, Ukraine
Yield increase with Vitazyme ranged from 20 to 26%
2009, Santa Marta-Paine, Chile
Vitazyme increased grape yield by 3-7%
2009, Agricola Chacabuco, Chile
Vitazyme increased vine diameter by 10%
2009, Chile
Vitazyme improves grape color 11.47%
2009, Chile
Increase in early grape harvest renged from 12.99-19.91%
2009, Chile
Vitazyme increased yield from 2.87-6.29%
2009, Santiago, Chile
increase in berry size with Vitazyme: 0.76mm
2009, Santiago, Chile
Increase in berry size with Vitazyme ranged from 0.27 - 0.66mm
2009, San Miguel, California
increase in yield with the use of Vitazyme was 11%
2009, Penn Yan, New York
Increase in leaf chlorophyll with Vitazyme: 2.5 SPAD units
2009, Phelps, New York
Vitazyme increases shoot length by 38%
2009, Ovid, New York
Increase in berries per cluster with Vitazyme was 31%
2009, Anthony Road, New York
Increase in berries per cluster with Vitazyme: 39%
2010, Apacheta, Copiapo, Chile
Vitazyme plus Ethrel proved to be superior to Ethrel alone
2010, Chile
Vitazyme increases first harvest yield by 81.8%
2010, Pudahuel, Chile
Vitazyme caused a remarkable 30% yield increase
2010, Santa Marta, Chile
Yields of first picked grapes increased 25-33%
2010, Santa Marta, Chile
Vitazyme improved early grape color and maturity
2010, Coltauco, Chile
Vitazyme increases yields by 6%
2010, Punta Peuco, Chile
Vitazyme is shown by this trial to produce superior yields.
2011, Chile
Vitazyme increased early harvest by 195%
2011, Los Andes, Chile
improved color and harvest date with use of Vitazyme
2011, San Felipe, Chile
Both Ethrel and Vitazyme improved grape color advancement
2011, Santa Maria, Chile
Vitazyme enhanced early coloration and harvest of grapes
2011, Pudahuel, Metropolitan Region, Chile
Vitazyme improved the coloration and early harvest by 2%
2011, Santiago, Chile
Significantly enhanced coloration with use of Vitazyme
2011, Santiago, Chile
Vitazyme improved grape color over control
2011, Perth, Australia
Within days of application, Vitazyme improved color and growth
2012, San Fenendo, Region VI, Chile
Vitazyme markedly improved grape yield (+31%) compared to Ethrel
2012, Collina, Metropolitan Region, Chile
Vitazyme increased the number of mature bunches versus Ethrel
2012, Melipilla, Metropolitan Region, Chile
Vitazyme resulted in faster maturation of the grapes
2012, San Fernando, Region VI, Chile
Vitazyme plus Ethrel greatly exceeded all other treatment yields
2012, San Fernado, Region VI, Chile
Vitazyme leads to better long-term yield and plant health
2003, North America
Vitazyme increased grape and raisin yield.

Table Grapes
2005-Tulare, California
Vitazyme increased grape yield by 22%
2008, Ukraine
Vitazyme increased yields by 15 to 28%
2008, Sunny Mecca, California
Vitazyme shown to improve color & size of grapes
2009, Santa Marta-Paine, Chile
Vitazyme increased grape yield by 3-7%
2009, Chile
Vitazyme improves grape color 11.47%
2009, Chile
Increase in early grape harvest renged from 12.99-19.91%
2009, Chile
Vitazyme increased yield from 2.87-6.29%
2009, Santiago, Chile
increase in berry size with Vitazyme: 0.76mm
2009, Santiago, Chile
Increase in berry size with Vitazyme ranged from 0.27 - 0.66mm
2010, Apacheta, Copiapo, Chile
Vitazyme plus Ethrel proved to be superior to Ethrel alone
2010, Chile
Vitazyme increases first harvest yield by 81.8%
2010, Pudahuel, Chile
Vitazyme caused a remarkable 30% yield increase
2010, Santa Marta, Chile
Yields of first picked grapes increased 25-33%
2010, Santa Marta, Chile
Vitazyme improved early grape color and maturity
2010, Coltauco, Chile
Vitazyme increases yields by 6%
2010, Punta Peuco, Chile
Vitazyme is shown by this trial to produce superior yields.
2011, Los Andes, Chile
improved color and harvest date with use of Vitazyme
2011, San Felipe, Chile
Both Ethrel and Vitazyme improved grape color advancement
2011, Santa Maria, Chile
Vitazyme enhanced early coloration and harvest of grapes
2012, San Fenendo, Region VI, Chile
Vitazyme markedly improved grape yield (+31%) compared to Ethrel
2012, Collina, Metropolitan Region, Chile
Vitazyme increased the number of mature bunches versus Ethrel
2012, Melipilla, Metropolitan Region, Chile
Vitazyme resulted in faster maturation of the grapes
2012, San Fernando, Region VI, Chile
Vitazyme plus Ethrel greatly exceeded all other treatment yields
2012, San Fernado, Region VI, Chile
Vitazyme leads to better long-term yield and plant health
2003, North America
Vitazyme increased grape and raisin yield.

Wine Grapes
2005-San Miguel, California
Vitazyme increased grape yield by 11%
2005-San Miguel, California
wine produced from the Vitazyme treated wine was superior
2005-San Miguel, California
Increase in grape yield with Vitazyme: 22%
2006, San Miguel, California
Vitazyme increased grape yield by 30%
2007, LDS Fresno Raisin Vineyard, Madera, California
Harvest totals we lower than previous years due to unusual heat
2008, San Miguel, California
Vitazyme's average increase in yield was 29% more grapes
2009, San Miguel, California
increase in yield with the use of Vitazyme was 11%
2009, Anthony Road, New York
Increase in berries per cluster with Vitazyme: 39%

Grass Hay
Vitazyme increased yield by 15%
2005-Cameroon, Nigeria, Central African Republic, Niger
Vitazyme alone substantially improved grass production
2006, Havana, Cuba
increase in yield with Vitazyme 43%
2007, Tioga, Texas
Increase in plant dry weight with Vitazyme by 102%
2012, Brush Creek, Tennessee
Acres harvested reduced by 1/3, yet yield remained the same

Vitazyme greatly increased income with lettuce
2010-Los Banos, Lagune, The Philippines
positive interaction between Vitazyme and 50% fertilizer
2010, Los Banos, Lagune, Philippines
Vitazyme showes greater nitrogen efficiency in trial
2011, Perth, Australia
Study revealed synergism between Vitazyme & MicroPlus
2011, Perth, Australia
Vitazyme increased yield 52% at harvest
2003, North America
Increased yield 37%
2003, Central America
Vitazyme increased yields 20% and 41%
Morning Glory
2009-Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Plant height and yield were increased with use of Vitazyme

Oil Palm
2008, Ecuador
Vitazyme increases root mass from 13 to 73%
2003, Nigeria
Vitazyme shown to be a highly effective booster of growth.
2009-Santa Sara, Chile
Vitazyme increased trunk diameter from 3 to 6%
2009, Santa Sara, Chile
increase in trunk diameter with Vitazyme: 3-6%

2006, Havana Province, Cuba
Vitazyme increased onion yield by 227%
2011, Wyalup, Western Australia
Study produced a $4,000.00/ha increase in returns

2009-Changsha, Hunan, China
Increase in income with Vitazyme: 15%
2006, Lindsay, California
Vitazyme increased yield by 1.3%
2007, Lindsay, California
Increase in income with Vitazyme was $660/acre
2009, Mapoling, Changsha, Hunan, China
Increase in income with Vitazyme was 15%
2011, Lindsay, California
Vitazyme producing larger crops
2011, Harvey, Western Australia
Vitazyme increases size and number of fruit
2012, Panquehue, Region V, Chile
Vitazyme resulted in a remarkable 39% yield increase
2005-Havana, Cuba
Vitazyme increased plant height by 7 to 13%
Increase in fruit per tree: 54%
2005-Havana, Cuba
Vitazyme Improved all parameters

2005- Gladewater, Texas
Peanut dry weight increased with Vitazyme: 75%
2005-Whitheral, Texas
Vitazyme increased peanut yield by 6%
2010-Binh Dinh Province, Viet Nam
Increase in yield with Vitazyme + Rhizobium bacteria: 20%
2006, Havana Province, Cuba
93% peanut yield increase with the use of Vitazyme
2010, Phu Cat, Viet Nam
Increase in yield with Vitazyme + Rhizobium bacteria: 20%
2003, North America
Increased yield in a difficultly dry season.

2007, Wayne County, New York
Size and percentage of harvestable fruit increased w/ Vitazyme
2007, Appleton, New York
Increase in income with Vitazyme was $440/acre
2003, North America
Increased yield and quality.

2013-Waterville, Washington
Increase in yield with VItazyme: 46%
Yield increase with Vitazyme was 26 to 31%
2012, Vinnysia, Ukrain
Vitazyme increased yield from 21 to 25%
2012, Santa Maria Cauque, Guatemala
Vitazyme increased yield 42% over controls

2013-Dak Rong Hamlet, Cu Jut District, Viet Nam
Yield increased by 6 to 41% with Vitazyme
2007, Jefferson, Ohio
Vitazyme produced large numbers of very stable & tasty fruit
2012, Jutiapa, Guatemala
Fruit size & number greatly increased, while disease was reduced

Pinto Beans
2010, Gladewater, Texas
Vitazyme contributes to 37-41% yield gains
2012, Gladewater, Texas
Vitazyme produced a 20% increase in plant dry weight

2005- Hooper, Calorado
Increase in tuber yield with Vitazyme was 5%
2005-Sinaloa, Mexico
Vitazyme shown to increase yield by 16%
2005-Havana Province, Cuba
Tuber yield increases: +1%, 6%, and 26%
2005-Havana Province, Cuba
Yield increased with Vitazyme by 14%
2013-Free, Puebla, Mexico
Increase in yield with Vitazyme: 67%
Vitazyme stimulated a higher percentage of large tubers
2010-Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Yield increase with Vitazyme: 9 to 14%
2009-Pearsall, Texas & Presque Isle, Maine
Increase in tuber yield with Vitazyme: 28%
2009-Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Increase in tuber yield with Vitazyme: 11 to 18%
2009-Morepur, Harpur, India
Vitazyme treatments greatly increased tuber number, by 79%
2009-Garh, India
Vitazyme increased income by 7 to 12%
2006, Ukraine
Vitazyme increased potato yield by 10%
2007, Hancock, Wisconsin
Vitazymeincreased yield by 3%
2007, Agro Oven, Ukraine
Vitazyme increased yield by 27%
2008, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Increase in tuber yield with Vitazyme was 10%
2009, Fort Garland, Colorado
>9 oz tubers were increased by 23% with Vitazyme
2009, Pearsall, Texas
Increase in tuber yield with Vitazyme: 28%
2009, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Tuber and income yield increased from 11-18% with Vitazyme
2009, Morepur, Harpur, India
Vitazme increased tuber number by 79%
2009, Garth, India
Yield increase with Vitazyme was from 8 to 12%
2010, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Yield increase with Vitazyme of 9-14%
2011, Manjimup, Western Australia
Additional application of Vitazyme did not benefit yield
2011, Houlton, Main
Vitazyme increased yield by 6%
2011, Manjimup, Western Australia
Number and weight of tubers increased with Vitazyme
2003, Carribean
Increased yield at all fertilizer levels.
2003, North America
Increased income per acre.
2003, North America
More consistent size and higher yields.
2003, Central America
Vitazyme treatments excel in stressful conditions.
2003, Central America
Vitazyme increased income $9000 per hectare!

2010-Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Yield increase with Vitazyme: 22%
2010, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Yield increase with Vitazyme of 22%
2013-Tlajomuko de. Zuniga Municipality, Jalisco, Mexico
Vitazyme improved all growth parameters.

2013-Yangon Region, Myanmar
yield increase with Vitazyme was 39%
2013-Yangon, Myanmar
Increase in yield with Vitazyme: 22%
2013-Malaybalay City, Philippines
Increase in grain yield with Vitazyme: 68%
2013-Mekong Delta, Viet Nam
Vitazyme increased seeds per head by 36%
2013-Dak Nong Province, Viet Nam
Yield increase with Vitazyme: 1.0 to 1.5 tonnes/ha
2009-(Mekong Delta), Viet Nam
Increase in rice yield with Vitazyme + reduced fertilizer use
2009-Xinzhou, Jinshi, Hunan, China
Increase in income with Vitazyme: 15%
2009-Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia
Seeds per pinnacle increased 18 to 46% with the use of Vitazyme
2009-Long An Province, South Viet Nam
Increase in yield with Vitazyme: 5 to 8%
2009-An Giang Province, South Viet Nam
9% increase in yield with the use of Vitayme
2009-Tieu Can, Tra Vinh Province, South Viet Nam
Increase in yield with Vitazyme was 6 to 7%
2006, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Income increase with Vitazyme was from +75% to +100%
2007-Viet Nam
Increase of income with Vitazyme of $200/ha to $300/ha
2007- Viet Nam
Vitazyme increased income from rice $96.00 to $134.25/ha
2007, Antonio Rojas Cooperative Farm, Hector Molina Sugar Enterprise, Cuba
Vitazyme produced a 104% yield increase
2008, Viet Nam
increase in yield with use of Vitazyme: 11%
2008, Viet Nam
Yield increase with Vitazyme: 11%
2008, Heip hoa & Bac Giang, Viet Nam
Yield increase with Vitazyme: 13%
2009, Mekong Delta, Viet Nam
Increase in rice yield with Vitazyme + reduced fertilizer 600kg/
2009, Xinzhou, Jinshi, Hunan, China
Increase in income with Vitazyme: 15%
2009, Cianjur, West Jave, Indonesia
Fertilizer with Vitazyme increased yield 46%
2009, Thu Thua, Long An Province, South Viet Nam
increase in yield with Vitazyme was between 5 & 8%
2009, Ba Tri, Ben Tre Province, South Viet Nam
increase in yield with Vitazyme was +9%
2009, An Giang Province, South Viet Nam
grain yield increased 6-7% with Vitazyme
2011, Dak Nong Province, Viet Nam
Vitazyme increases yield and net income 6%
2011, Dak Nong Province, Viet Nam
Vitazyme seed treatment improved yield 11%
2012, Malaybalay City, Pilippines
Vitazyme improved all plant parameters investigated

2007-Roma Verde, Machachi, Pichincha, Ecuador
Vitazyme increased root structure and leaf chlorophyll
2011, Tyler, Texas
Vitazyme increases plant height and surviving plants
2003, South America
Reduction of unproductive stems 27%.
2009-Central Java, Indonesia
Increase in yield with Vitazyme was from 7 to 15%
2009, Kemukten Brebes, Central Java, Indonesia
Increase in yield with Vitazyme was 7 to 15%

2013-Cedar Falls, Iowa
Increase with Vitazyme was 2%
Vitazyme increased profit by 840 UAH/ha
2013-Lake Park, Iowa
Increase in soybean yield with Vitazyme: 3.5%
2013-Dakrong, Cu Jut, Dak Nong, Viet Nam
Increase in yield with Vitazyme: 25%
2013-Lake Park, Iowa
Increase in bean yield with Vitazyme: 3.2%
2009-Cedar Falls, Iowa
Yield increase with Vitazyme: 4%
2010-Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Yield increase with Vitazyme: 16 to 23%
2009-Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Increase in soybean yield with Vitazyme once: 16%
2009-Cape Girardeau and Jackson, Missouri
Soybean yield increased with Vitazyme by 15%
2009-Ogallala, Nebraska
Increase in yield with Vitazyme was up 25%
2009-Arbor, Missouri
Increase in soybean yield with Vitazyme :13%
2009-Sikeston, Missourri
Increase in soybean yied with Vitazyme was up 15%
2009-Bell City, Missouri
Increase in soybean yield with Vitazyme : 3%
2006, Cedar Falls, Iowa
10% increase in yield with Vitazyme
2007- Branchton, Ontario, Canada
All three Vitazyme treatments provided an increase in yield
2009, Cedar Falls, Iowa
Yield increase with Vitazyme was 4%
2009, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Increase in yield with Vitazyme was from 16-23%
2009, Chaffee, Missouri
Soybean yield increase with Vitazyme was 15%
2009, Ogallala, Nebraska
VItazyme increased yield by 25%
2009, Arbor, Missouri
Increase in soybean yield with Vitazyme was 13%
2009, Sikeston, Missouri
Vitazyme increased yield by 15%
2009, Bell City, Missouri
3% increase in yield with use of Vitazyme
2010, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme increases yield from 16 to 23%
2011, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme dramatically improved crop yield
2011, Gladewater, Texas
Vitazyme increased photosynthesis and nutrient uptake
2011, Cedar Falls, Iowa
Vitazyme increased bean test weight
2011, Gladewater, Texas
Vitazyme increased dry weight by 15-19%
2011, Cedar Falls, Iowa
Vitazyme continues to favorably affect yields
2011, David City, Nebraska
Vitazyme elicited consistent boosts in bean oil content
2011, Waverly, Nebraska
Vitazyme significantly improved leaf chlorophyll
2011, Dong Thap Province, Viet Nam
Returns from Vitazyme application were $189.85/ha
2011, Ukraine
increase in yield of .53tons/ha (7.9 bu/acre)
2012, Gladewater, Texas
Vitazyme and amino acids improved plant dry weight and height
2012, Cedar Falls, Iowa
Increase for Vitazyme equals $57.92/acre greater income
2012, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme increased yields from 7-19%
2012, Columbia, Missouri, USA
Vitazyme increased leaf nutrients during growth
2012, Columbia, Missouri, USA
Vitazyme enhances metabolic cycles in plants
2012, Lake Park, Iowa
Return on Vitazyme investment of 15:1
2003, North America
Study of foliar v. soil applications.
2003, North America
Study of multiple fertilizer levels.

2013-Tlajomulco de Zuniga Municipality, Jalisco, Mexico
Increase in berry yield with Vitazyme: 300%
2003, North America
Vitazyme increased income $3000/acre!

Sugar Beets
2010-Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Yield and sugar content were both increased with Vitazyme
2010-Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Increases in beet yield ranged from 23 to 36%
Increase in beet yield with Vitazyme: 25%
2009-Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme increased the sugar production of beets
2010-Belgorod, Russia
increase in plant density with Vitazyme: 6 to 8%
2010-Khmilnyk raion, Vinnytsia oblast, Zhdanivka, Ukraine
Increase in beet yield with Vitazyme: 11 to 13%
2007-Visnitsa, Olgopil, Ukraine
Beet yield increased 25% with Vitazyme
2009, Ukraine
Increase in beet yield with Vitazyme: 25%
2009, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Yield increase with Vitazyme was from 24 to 28%
2009, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Increase in yield with Vitazyme was 16 to 24%
2010, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Beet and sugar yields were markedly improved with Vitazyme
2010, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme dramatically increased beet yield & sugar content
2010, Belgorod, Russia
Yield increase with Vitazyme was from 13-26%
2010, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Sugar and overall beet yields increased 11-13%
2011, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Sugar, and Beet yield markedly and uniformly improved
2011, Russia
Vitazyme increased weight, and sugar content of beets
2011, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
2 applications of Vitazyme at 1 liter/ha greatly increased yield
2011, Belview, Minnesota
Vitazyme increased beet growth, yield, & disease resistance
2012, Belview, Minnesota
Vitazyme increased yields an estimated 1 ton/acre
Sugar Cane
2013-Mekong Delta, Viet Nam
Increase in yield with Vitazyme of 21%
2013-Ea Po—Cir Jut District, Viet Nam
Increase in yield with Vitazyme: 33%
2013-El Monte Farm, Villa Corona, Jalisco, Mexico
Vitazyme produced an excellent millable stalk increase of 16.5%.
2009-Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme increased beet yield by 24 to 28%
2006, Cuba
Vitazyme increases cane yield by 28%
2007, Capitan Alberto Torres Cooperative
This trial showed an increase in yield with Vitazyme of 29%
2007, Cuba
Vitazyme increased yield by 25%
2007, Holguin Province, Cuba
This trail showed an increase in yield of 44%
2007, Cuba
Vitazyme increased yield by 61%
2007, Cuba
Vytazyme increased yield by 39%
2007-Havana, Cuba
Vitazyme increased yield by 34.1%
2008, Sancti-Spiritus, Cuba
42% sugar cane yield increase with Vitazyme
2012, Dusun Barsari, Prigan - Pasuruan, East Java
Vitazyme dramatically increased yield 49%

2010-Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Yield increase with Vitazyme: 19%
2009-Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Income increase with Vitazyme: 632 hrn/ha
Vitazyme increased yield by 12 to 25%
2009, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Increase in seed yield with Vitazyme: 24%
2010, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme increases yield by 19%
2010, Belgorod, Russia
Vitazyme shown to boost sunflower performance
2011, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme increases yield 17%
2011, Russia
Vitazyme shown to be excellent for increasing yields
2011, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Three year avg. increase with Vitazyme was +19%
2011, Ukraine
16.7bu/acre increase in yield with the use of Vitazyme
2009-Hunan, China
Increase in income with Vitazyme: 11%
2008, Dong Hy, Thai Nguyen, Viet Nam
increase in yield with Vitazyme was 12%
2009, Gaoqiao, Changsha, Hunan, China
Increase in income with Vitazyme was 11%

2013-Altamira, Tamaulipas, Guatemala
Increase in yield with Vitazyme: 50%
2013-Yecapixtla, Morelia, Mexico
Vitazyme treatment produced 450 kg more fruit
2013-Tochapan, Palmarito, State of Puebla, Mexico
Increase in yield with Vitazyme: 54%
2007, Havana Province, Cuba
Yield increase with Vitazyme of 68%
2008, Zaporizge, Tavriya Skif, Ukraine
Tomato yield increase of 7% with Vitazyme
2012, San Manual Chaparron, Guatemala
trial proved the great effectiveness of Vitazyme
2003, Carribean
Number of fruit increased 28%, total yield up 18%.
2010-Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Yield increase with Vitazyme: 22 to 33%
2009-Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme increased yield by 19 to 28%
2009, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Increase in yield with use of Vitazyme was between 19 & 28%
2010, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme increases yield 22-33% in trial

2009-Hunan, China
Increase in income with Vitazyme: 18%
2007, Jefferson, Ohio
This was a farmer testimonial
2008, Ecuador
Yield increase ranged from 18 to 71%
2009, Ningziang County, Hunan, China
Increase in income with Vitazyme: 18%
2012, Rio Hondo, Guatemala
VItazyme improved melon sweetness, firmness, and yield

2013- Waterville, Washington
Increase in grain yield with Vitazyme: 11%
Increase in grain weight/head with Vitazyme: 14 to 18%
Increase in grain yield with VItazyme was 12 to 18%
2013-Capitan Miranda, Paraguay
Increase in yield with Vitazyme was from 33 to 35%
2013-Waterville, Washington
major yield advantage would have been achieved with Vitazyme
2010-Vinnytsia oblast, Kleban, Ukraine
Increase with Vitazyme: 7 to 11%
2009-Zhitomerski Oblast, Ukraine
Increase in yield with Vitazyme was from 11 to 14%
2009-Oran, Missourri
income was 33% higher with Vitazyme
Increase in yield with Vitazyme was from 5 to 6%
2010-Pailahueque, Chile
harvested yield increased by 7% with Vitazyme
2010-Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme increased grain yield by 16 to 24%
2010-Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme increased grain yield by 17 to 26%
2010-Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme increased grain yield by 8 to 22%
2010-Pua, Chile
Vitazyme increased yield of the grain by 4 to 8%
2010-Berdichiv area, Ukraine
Increase in wheat yield with Vitazyme: 11 to 14%
2010-Krasnodar Region, Russia
Increase in wheat yield with Vitazyme: 11%
2009-Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Increase in grain weight with Vitazyme: 1 to 3%
2009-Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme increased grain yield by 9 to 18%
2009-Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Income increase with Vitazyme: 473 hrn/ha
2010-Curacautin, Chile
no yield results
2010-Pua, Chile
Vitazyme increased yield by 19%
2010-Pitrufquen, Chile
Increase in yield with Vitazyme was 5 to 8%
2007, Julesburg, Colorado
Vitazyme increased yield by 34 to 53%
2008, Lamesa, Texas
Superb yield increase with Vitazyme of 29%
2008, Lamesa, Texas
Wheat yield increase with Vitazyme was 16%
2008, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
increase in yield with Vitazyme ranged from 6 to 11%
2008, Nairobi, Kenya
increase in wheat yield with Vitazyme was 31%
2009, Berdichiv Raion, Zhitomerski Oblast, Ukraine
Increase in wheat yield was between 11 to 14%
2009, Oran, Missouri
Vitazyme increased income by 33%
2009, Berdichiv area, Ukraine
Vitazyme increased yield by 11 to 14%
2009, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Increase in yield with Vitazyme was 10 to 14%
2009, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Increase in grain yield with Vitazyme was 12 to 13%
2009, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Increase in wheat yield Vitazyme was 18%
2010, Tulchin raion, Vinnytsia oblast, Kleban, Ukraine
Increase with Vithazyme of 7 to 11%
2010, Santiago, Chile
Trial shows only one early application of Vitazyme was needed
2010, Pailahueque, Chile
Vitazyme improved plant population by up to 24%
2010, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme increases grain yield from 16-24%
2010, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
VItazyme improved most parameters
2010, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme increased grain yield by 8-22%
2010, Pua, Chile
Vitazyme increased yield from 4-8%
2010, Krasnodar Region, Russia
Vitazyme increased grain yield by 11%
2010, Curacautin, Chile
Population of plants per meter of row was increased, 9-15%
2010, Pua, Chile
Vitazyme increases yield a remarkable 17%
2010, Pitrufquen, Chile
Study proves the effectiveness of Vitazyme use on wheat in Chile
2011, Goshen, Victoria, Australia
Vitazyme improved early growth
2011, Russia
Growth parameters showed marked responses to Vitazyme treatments
2011, Krasnodar, Russia
Grain quality-weight, glassiness, and gluten content improved
2011, Ukraine
Vitazyme increases yield 8.9 bu/acre
2012, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme produced excellent yield increases of 7 to 22%
2012, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Vitazyme increased yields 15-20%
2012, Gladewater, Texas
Indications that seed treatment was having a positive effect.
2003, North America
This single application increased income over $100 per acre!