A Non-Toxic,
Safe Solution for
Today’s Agriculture
An all-natural liquid biostimulant that includes multiple brassinosteroids, triacontanol, enzymes, vitamins, and other powerful but gentle growth stimulators.
Vitazyme promotes soil life by working with the natural ecosystem
On the following pages of our website you will see both “Organic Vitazyme an All Natural Concentrate” and “Vitazyme” terms used.
“Organic Vitazyme® an All Natural Concentrate” is OMRI approved. You can find this approval on OMRI’s website www.omri.org.
“Vitazyme” has the exact same active ingredients as “Organic Vitazyme® an All Natural Concentrate” plus some small amounts of chelated iron, copper and zinc. Because of these added chelates “Vitazyme” is specifically NOT approved by OMRI
Whichever form you choose, Vitazyme is one of the most profitable inputs you can use in your agricultural operation. You always get a return on your investment, whether it come from better quality parameters that command a higher market price or sheer yield increase or both.
Starting any crop with Vitazyme can greatly enhance the plants ability to uptake nutrients giving them the boost they need to launch them into growth. One to three more treatments throughout the crop cycle can greatly enhance the plants ability to reach its genetic potential.
Whether it is uniformity of size, brix content, saleable coloration, firmness, or sheer yield, Vitazyme will enhance your crops value, all while improving your soil structure and environment.
Vitazyme is safe and sustainable, making it a product that can be used indefinitely without any environmental concerns.
Plant Designs, Inc. is an authorized national and international sales agent for the manufacturer of Vitazyme. We currently offer sales in the United States through this website or via contact direct to our main office in Rochester, NY.
Internationally we operate currently in Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Australia, Chile, Ghana, Austria, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Germany through regional distributors in those countries. We are currently expanding the list of countries, especially in Europe, Africa, and South America, as we acquire commercial registrations or permissions for importation and distribution. Many countries are in trials phases.